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We are the first and only independent perfume lab in Prague.

EST. 2016



Our work it is our passion and our live. Personal made fragrances.

We believe that everyone can be the designer of their own personalized scent. 

Our fascination for fragrances started at a very young age where we were collecting everything perfume. As a kids, we were fascinated by this poetic world. Our love for ingredients came later when we learnt perfumery and spent time understanding this amazing world.

In our rustic interior you can find a variety of flasks filled with a multitude of scents as well as handmade candles and room perfumes.

In Perfumed Prague you can smell many pure scents and learn more about them. We go for avantgarde, providing unique fragrances.


The fragrance essences which You will find in our lab come from the French city of Grasse, the world’s perfume capital. The fragrance essences produced in this part of Provence are used by all significant perfume producers in the world. We put most our love and attention into the quality of our juices (the formulas) and we invite you to watch how they are made with care, everyday. 

We make perfumes and show you what's inside.


We are not only offering personal scents – our brand portfolio also includes space for scented laboratory candles and interior perfumes. Our candles have been created out of love to minimalism. They are handmade, produced on a small scale, from natural candle grease with minute details in mind. All our products are eco – friendly.



Our work it is our passion and our live. Personal made fragrances.

We believe that everyone can be the designer of their own personalized scent. 

Our fascination for fragrances started at a very young age where we were collecting everything perfume. As a kids, we were fascinated by this poetic world. Our love for ingredients came later when we learnt perfumery and spent time understanding this amazing world.

In our rustic interior you can find a variety of flasks filled with a multitude of scents as well as handmade candles and room perfumes.

In Perfumed Prague you can smell many pure scents and learn more about them. We go for avantgarde, providing unique fragrances.


The fragrance essences which You will find in our lab come from the French city of Grasse, the world’s perfume capital. The fragrance essences produced in this part of Provence are used by all significant perfume producers in the world. We put most our love and attention into the quality of our juices (the formulas) and we invite you to watch how they are made with care, everyday. 

We make perfumes and show you what's inside.


We are not only offering personal scents – our brand portfolio also includes space for scented laboratory candles and interior perfumes. Our candles have been created out of love to minimalism. They are handmade, produced on a small scale, from natural candle grease with minute details in mind. All our products are eco – friendly.



Our work it is our passion and our live. Personal made fragrances.

We believe that everyone can be the designer of their own personalized scent. 

Our fascination for fragrances started at a very young age where we were collecting everything perfume. As a kids, we were fascinated by this poetic world. Our love for ingredients came later when we learnt perfumery and spent time understanding this amazing world.

In our rustic interior you can find a variety of flasks filled with a multitude of scents as well as handmade candles and room perfumes.

In Perfumed Prague you can smell many pure scents and learn more about them. We go for avantgarde, providing unique fragrances.


The fragrance essences which You will find in our lab come from the French city of Grasse, the world’s perfume capital. The fragrance essences produced in this part of Provence are used by all significant perfume producers in the world. We put most our love and attention into the quality of our juices (the formulas) and we invite you to watch how they are made with care, everyday. 

We make perfumes and show you what's inside.


We are not only offering personal scents – our brand portfolio also includes space for scented laboratory candles and interior perfumes. Our candles have been created out of love to minimalism. They are handmade, produced on a small scale, from natural candle grease with minute details in mind. All our products are eco – friendly.

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rezervujte si termín workshopu

Děkujeme za odeslání a těšíme se na vás!


vlastní parfém

Jsme první studio v Praze, kde je možné vytvořit si na míru vlastní vůni přesně dle vašich preferencí. Přesně vám na tělo.

firemní eventy

Rádi pořádáme zážitkové workshopy pro větší počet lidí třeba jako formu teambuildingu nebo jako doprovodný program při večírcích. Zvládli jsme i workshop pro 300 dětí.

Nebojíme se ničeho:)


více o nás

Jsme Perfumed Prague a zveme vás do světa vůní.

Naším cílem bylo proniknout do umění parfemářství, porozumět ingrediencím a zhmotnit esenci našeho snu do voňavé mlhy. Inspirovali jsme se konceptem známým ze světových metropolí, upravili jej do vlastní podoby a v roce 2016 založili první studio v Praze, kde je možné si nakomponovat vlastní vůni

a možná si tak i splnit vlastní sen.


V Praze máme dvě studia: jedno pro workshopy

a druhé jako showroom s produkty pro voňavý domov.

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Věděli jste, že si u nás můžete objednat i produkty

s vlastní etiketou a logem? Ať už jako firemní dárky, tak i jako vlastní produkty do portfolia.



Karolíny Světlé 285/20
Praha 1, Staré Město 


Milady Horákové 51

Praha 7, Holešovice


ÚTERÝ - SOBOTA 11:00 - 18:00





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